I put together a packing list last month extensively because Onebag.com recommended it and he is my guru. I've been pleasantly surprised about easy I have found keeping on top of it. There is always that nagging feeling I am missing something big. I am just way too.... calm.
I am, in 6 days, setting off on the biggest most challenging experience of my life by far and I'm just not feeling it. Whenever anyone asks me how I am feeling, my stock reply is to say ambivalent, while this isn't the best word to use as it makes it seem like I don't care when I very much do, it does suggest I don't fully appreciate the gravity of what I am undertaking.
Am I just putting out of my head the tough questions? Do I fully appreciate the upheaval my life will, soon, undergo. Have I encased myself in a protective bubble that Bangkok will prick?
I really have no idea and that is something I am not ambivalent about.
First I want to let you know that your courage to do this trip is inspiring and gives me motivation for my own travels. I lately have been feeling the same way as you. It seems as though my friends are more excited than I am at times! I think when the things you dream of turn into reality its really hard to accept untill it actually starts happening. And because you cant fully express at the moment your full appreciation and enthusiasm of what you have to look forward to, does not mean that its not there and you do not have to prove it to anyone. . .what you found to be able to do this is in yourself. you have so much positive energy to look forward to from sharing your experiences with your friends and everyone will support you. I wish you luck and will enjoy reading about your journey ! PS. I read your interview on vagablogging.net